@misc{114, author = {Giovanni Casini and Tommie Meyer and Kody Moodley and Ivan Varzinczak}, title = {Nonmonotonic reasoning in Description Logics: Rational Closure for the ABox}, abstract = {The introduction of defeasible reasoning in Description Logics has been a main research topic in the field in the last years. Despite the fact that various interesting formalizations of nonmonotonic reasoning for the TBox have been proposed, the application of such a kind of reasoning also to ABoxes is more problematic. In what follows we are going to present the adaptation for the ABox of a classical nonmonotonic form of reasoning, Lehmann and Magidor’s Rational Closure. We present both a procedural and a semantical characterization, and we conclude the paper with a comparison between our and other analogous proposals, and suggesting some possible heuristics useful for the ABox querying procedure.}, year = {2013}, }