@article{162, author = {Chris Seebregts and Anban Pillay and Ryan Crichton and S. Singh and Deshen Moodley}, title = {14 Enterprise Architectures for Digital Health}, abstract = {• Several different paradigms and standards exist for creating digital health architectures that are mostly complementary, but sometimes contradictory. • The potential benefits of using EA approaches and tools are that they help to ensure the appropriate use of standards for interoperability and data storage and exchange, and encourage the creation of reusable software components and metadata.}, year = {2017}, journal = {Global Health Informatics: Principles of eHealth and mHealth to Improve Quality of Care}, chapter = {173-182}, publisher = {MIT Press}, isbn = {978-0262533201}, url = {https://books.google.co.za/books?id=8p-rDgAAQBAJ&pg=PA173&lpg=PA173&dq=14+Enterprise+Architectures+for+Digital+Health&source=bl&ots=i6SQzaXiPp&sig=zDLJ6lIqt3Xox3Lt5LNCuMkUoJ4&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwivtK6jxPDYAhVkL8AKHXbNDY0Q6AEINDAB#v=onepage&q=14%20Enterp}, }