@article{417, author = {Emma Ruttkamp-Bloem}, title = {Repositioning realism}, abstract = {"Naturalised realism" is presented as a version of realism which is more compatible with the history of science than convergent or explanationist forms of realism. The account is unpacked according to four theses : 1) Whether realism is warranted with regards to a particular theory depends on the kind and quality of evidence available for that theory; 2) Reference is about causal interaction with the world; 3) Most of science happens somewhere in between instrumentalism and scientific realism on a continuum of stances towards the status of theories; 4) The degree to which realism is warranted has something to do with the degree to which theories successfully refer, rather than with the truth of theories.}, year = {2015}, journal = {Philosphia Scientiæ}, volume = {19}, chapter = {85-98}, publisher = {Université Nancy 2}, isbn = {1281-2463}, doi = {10.4000/philosophiascientiae.1042}, }