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Fabio Tollon


Fabio Tollon is a doctoral candidate in philosophy of science at Bielefeld University. He believes that the development of AI will fundamentally change our moral landscape, both in terms of the number of action schemes available to us, and the potential implications of our actions. It is therefore essential that we have a robust meta-ethical grounding in our approach to the ethics of AI. Without rigorous conceptual apparatus we will be lost in our ethical analysis of these emergent and ubiquitous artificial systems. Fabio is currently part of the research training group GRK 2073 "Integrating Ethics and Epistemology of Scientific Research", funded by the German Research Foundation. His research focuses on the potential for artificial systems to be moral agents and/or moral patients, and what this could mean for scientists developing and using such systems. He has a BA PPE (politics, philosophy and economics), BA honours (philosophy), and an MA (philosophy), all from Stellenbosch University.

1) 'Toward a Coherent Account of Moral Agency' (FAIR 2019);
2) 'Functional Moral Agency' (4IR: Philosophical, Ethical and Legal Perspectives 2019).

1) Tollon, Fabio. 2020. The Artificial View: toward a non-anthropocentric account of moral patiency. Ethics and Information Technology.;
2) Tollon, Fabio. 2019. Moral Agents or Mindless Machines? A critical appraisal of agency in artificial systems. Hungarian Philosophical Review 63(4), pp. 9-23;
3) Tollon, Fabio. 2019. Toward a Coherent Account of Moral Agency. Proceedings of the South African Forum for Artificial Intelligence Research. Vol 2540.
University of Pretoria
  • CSIR
  • DSI
  • Covid-19